Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jonathan Builds Something Out Of LEGOs Vol. 1: Badass Flying Tankmobile

First off, an introduction. This is a series where I, Jonathan, will build something out of LEGOs, then present it to you guys with helpful diagrams to help you all understand my artistic genius. Obviously the diagrams are necessary because as you can see by this first sculpture (which is how I will refer to these creations), each one of my works will be a complex masterpiece worthy of great praise and appreciation. Let's begin!

Vol.1: Badass Flying Tankmobile

A) Perhaps the most technologically advanced machine on this vehicle, this sun visor uses advanced shade technology to both shield the driver from deadly UV rays, and keep the sun out of his (or her, but probably him because look at this thing) eyes.

B) These spare tires guarantee that no matter what, you'll always have something to drive on. The ones on the wings are also machine guns.

C) These four lazer guns are powered by your enemies' fear.

D)This hidden spy camera allows the driver to the see anything directly in front of him, ensuring no one will ever sneak up on him. It shoots lazers too.

E) This driving shield is made of glasstanium, allowing it to stop rain, snow, dust, and deadly lazers.

F) This T. Rex launch bay is used to launch T. Rexes at enemies trailing you. The T. Rexes can reach speeds of almost 200 miles an hour, making them 3.7x more deadly.

G) Serves three purposes: 1) Acts as a launching ramp for the T. Rexes. 2) Helps to steer the vehicle like a rudder when it's flying. 3) Makes it look awesome.

H) A turbo booster that can quadruple the speed of the vehicle for five minutes, but can only be used once per day (those are the rules of the hex that powers it). It's also a trailer hitch.

I) All terrain wheels allow for driving over any surface, even completely frictionless ones. The raised rear axle helps to increase the badass factor by 20%.

J) Wings. Bitchin'.

And this concludes the first volume of Jonathan Builds Something Out Of LEGOs. I hope you've enjoyed my sculpture (that was a rhetorical statement, you're obviously in tears right now from it's beauty), and I hope you're looking forward to the next issue (again, rhetorical)!

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