Thursday, December 3, 2009

Top Ten Christmas Movies

Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. It's that special time of the year again, so I think it's about time to put together a list of my personal favorite Christmas movies. I try to watch these ten films every year, I usually don't succeed but irregardless. Here they are. Enjoy!

10. A Christmas Story

I wasn't going to put this on here, because it's overplayed to the point of being annoying, but every time I actually watch it I am not disappointed. I can see why it holds the status that it does.

9. Silent Night Deadly Night

Yeah yeah, I'm a horror fan so expect a few on this list. It's my list not yours, remember! Anyway, this movie is hilarious and fun and even though there's a lot of blood and killing, it is in fact a full blown Christmas movie and you can't help but enjoy it.

8. Home Alone/Home Alone 2

These movies hold a special place in my heart and probably anyone's heart who grew up with them. I can't even begin to guess the number of times I have watched them. It's rare to find movies that you loved as a kid and still love to this day whenever they are on.

7. Puppet Master vs. The Demonic Toys

Christmas is a time of sharing and friendship. So what's better than a couple of friends getting together and sharing a few laughs at one of the most ridiculous Christmas movies ever made? I watched this on TV a few years ago with a group of people and we had a great time. It's terrible and hilarious and I'll delve into it much deeper later on in the month as it's the first movie to be featured in our Terribly Great section.

6. Elf

What can I say? It's one of the only modern Christmas movies that I think already holds a classic status. One that children and adults can enjoy every year.

5. It's A Wonderful Life

I don't think I need to really say much about this one. If you haven't seen it, then you're wrong and if you won't because it's old and black and white then you're also stupid.

4. Die Hard

Yes. Bruce Willis kicking ass and taking names and Carl Winslow from Family Matters eating a bunch of donuts. All in the spirit of Christmas.

3. Black Christmas

One of the only horror films that is truly well-made. It avoids bad acting, terrible effects and stupid plot. Instead it's full of suspense and realistic danger. I'm obviously talking about the original, not the remake.

2. Christmas Vacation

I watch this every year, and am never disappointed. Chevy Chase is perfect as Clark "Sparky" Griswold in the best installment of the Vacation series, and one of the best comedies of all time.

1. Gremlins

This film has everything you need. It's a truly heartwarming Christmas movie, it's hilarious, sometimes scary, the characters are surprisingly relatable and it has one of the greatest and most adorable creatures I've ever seen. I'm obviously talking about Corey Feldman. It's one of my favorite movies of all time and definitely my favorite Christmas movie.

Honorable Mention: The Star Wars Holiday Special. It's almost impossible to get your hands on it but I hear it's horrible!

I recommend checking out any of these if you aren't a heartless jerk who hates joy, because joy is what all of these films will bring you. Except the ones about murder. So about half of these. Thanks!

Merry Christmas!

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